Gerund and Infinitive
Merubah verb menjadi Noun dengan cara menambah ing , Non Active Verb juga bisa dg cara being V3/Adj./Noun
Contoh : I like Something
1. I like playing football (playing football adalah gerund jadi wajib krna harus Something/benda )
2. PV : I like being taught by her
3. N : I like being a Student
4. Adj. : I like being here
Swimming is my favorit sport
Being a teacher is fullfeelling job
Jadi di depannya harus kata benda karena merupakan suatu Objek
Ada kata kata yang di ikuti oleh Gerund
Deny _____ , Accustomed to_____,Looking forward to_______,Afraid of______,
Accused of_______
Jadi kata kata di atas wajid Diikuti gerund AV maupun NAV juga bisa kok
Infinitive (to do Something )
Dipakai untuk melakukan sesuatu
To pass the exam , we have to study harder
I will stay home Now , To Study English
(Melakukan kegiatan pertama untuk melakukan kegiatan selanjutnya)
I stop at Alfamart to Buy a Drink
Bentuk Causative
Yaitu bentuk yang membentuk orang lain melakukan sesuatu tindakan
+ Have Someone do (V.inf) % Iwill have him wash my Car Tomorrow
% I had him wash my Car Yesterday
+ Let Someone do (V.inf) % I let her Make Cake
+ Make Someone do (V.inf) % I made her cry last night
+ get Someone to do (I will get him to buy the food)
+ask Someone to do (I will ask her toaccompany me)
Benda nya yang akan di lakukan
Have/let/make/get Something done by SomeOne
= I will have My car washed by Indra
+ Last Night I had My Hair Cut in the Baber Shop
(Causative jenis 1 n 2 ini sering keluar ^_^)
Who dan Whom : Kata ganti untuk orang
Who untuk Subject : I like the girl , The girl wears a red dress
I like the girl , Who wears a red dress (mngacu Subject)
Whom untuk Object : The girl Whom I like , wears a red dress
Whose : Ketika menjadi Object possessive sesuatu yang dimiliki orang tersebut
+ Ilke the girl , her dress is red
+ Ilke the girl , Whose dress is red
$ I spoke to the man, His brother is my friend
$ I spoke to the man, Whose brother is my friend
Wich dan That : kedua duanya menyatakan sama yaitu benda
- I killed the cat , the cat has black fur
- I killed the cat , Which has black fur
- I like the books , Most of the books are about Math
- I like the books , Most of That are about Math
---------------------PARALAEL FORM----------------------------
Would rather Do than Do
Prefer Noun to Noun
I have to choose between something and Something
I like Noun,Noun, and Noun
Not Only _____but also _____
Too difficult to Solve
So Expensive that I spent my entire monthly sail
Sebab Akibat Contrast (berlawanan)
-Therefore -However
-Thus -But
-Hence -Yet
-Because -Nevertheless
-Consequently -Inspite of
-So -Despite
-Since So that -Eventhough/Although/though
Example :
Sebab Akibat
1. I like Prestigious university therefore I like Studying at BTI
2. A=B , à A thus/hence/consequently B
3. I like the band Since/because They Sing Jazz
4. I came to the class so that I understand of to the topic
1. She has Studied very hard however/Nevertheless/but/yet She didn’t pass the exam
2. Although/though/Eventhough She has Studied Hard She didn’t pass the Exam
3. Inspite of / Despite the rain a football match is still on
CONJUNCTION yang laennya

Agree with some one / to do / on Something / That sentence
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