Rabu, 29 Juni 2011


Macam macam Benda yang memakai tobe Singular
1.       Every : Every One , Every Student
2.       Each : Tiap
3.       Either of : Either of the Boy / girl
4.       Neither of : Neither of the Boy / girl  (Tidak Satupun)
5.       Un Countable : Money , Water , Air
6.       The Number (angka) , kalau a number (beberapa) itu Plural

Untuk membedakan memakai To be yang mana ??? Cekidot !!!
# Either The girl or the Boys are    ß Boys Jamak jadi memakai are
# Neither They nor he is  ß he tunggal /Singular jadi memakai is
Jadi Disini Untuk menentukan to be dengan melihat subjek yang paling dekat  dg to be

IF Conditional
1.UNREAL FUTURE  (If + Subject do , S + will Do)
 Maksudnya Mengandaikan sesuatu Di masa mendatang masih bisa di raih , bisa juga merupakan suatu persyaratan
If you study harder , you will pass the exam

2. UNREAL PRESENT (If + Subject did , S + would Do)
Maksudnya kenyataan sekarang g kaya gitu tapi di andaikannya begitu
If  I were you , I would Take the chance
3. UNREAL PAST(If + Subject have done , S + would have Done)
Maksudnya ini adalah menghayal , berbeda dengan fakta
If I taken the course seriously , I would have passed the exam
NB : If Iwere you = Were I you
         If I taken = Had I taken

Subject mlakukan yang kiri dulu baru melakukan yang kanan
Having done Something , Subject did Something
 (Having passed the exam, Vicky had a ngakikah last night)
Done Something , Subject did Something
(Excepted at the prestigious university , Vicky had ngakikah last night)

Subject melakukan 2 hal yang bersamaan antara kiri dan kanan
Doing Something Subject Do Something else
(Crossing the street , I see the bird fly)
Being done Something , Subject Do Something else
(Being passed the exam , Vicky Pray)

Saran Guna  (Should + Do)
Kejadian yang belum terjadi , jadi kalo gw saranin masih guna
Contoh : You Should Study Harder if you want to pass the exam
            NAV adj. : you should be more careful
Bisa kok pake NAV juga.
Selain should bisa juga ought to kalo  g Had Better do
Saran Ga Guna (Should + Have done)
Kejadian nya udah terjadi percuma gw saranin juga…jadi Sarannya dah g guna
Contoh : You should have brushed your teeth
Must do ( You must study harder )
*PASTI à Must be (She Must be Smart) (He Must be a teacher) adj. dan Noun aja !  (Now)
                         Must have done (She Must Studied hard) (It must been raining)   (Past)
*TIDAK PASTI àMight be ( She might be smart )
                                       Might have done (She might have passed the exam)

PReFerence (Menyatakan lebih pengen mana)
1.      Subject Would rather do than do else
(I would rather study harder than play football  ) ke dua duanya  do tdak boleh beda
2.      Subject Prefer Something to Something else
(I prefer playing football to hiking ) keduanya memakai V-ing
I prefer tea to coffee

Needs                    Something  (The Clothes need Cleaning)
                                 I need money

                             To do                  Active verb (I need to go to the School)

                                                     Non Active Verb (I need to be careful )

Wants                          Something ( I want a money )

                                               To do                   I want to Study in ITB
                                                                I want to be SMART

Interesting (MENARIK) : Interesting Book
Interested (TERTARIK) : Interested person

Ø  S + Used to do (Past Habit / Kebiasaan Lama) sekarang jadi g lagi
 I used to Smoke , I used to be Stupid
Ø  S + is/are + Used to + Something (terbiasa sekarang)
I am used to cold water
Ø  S + were/ was + Used to + Something (terbiasa dulu)
I was used to cold water

Example :
I used to Smoke ,à dulu merokok
I’m Used to Smoke à sekarang saya  Terbiasa dg asap

Yang Perlu di diketahui :
Stop doing : Berhenti melakukan sesuatu
Stop to do : Berhenti melakukan sesuatu untuk melakukan ini
I stop to smoke : Saya Berhenti untuk merokok

*      I am a teacher and She is too
*      I am a teacher and so is She
*      I like Ganeca and She does too
*      I like Ganeca and so does she
*      I am not a teacher and She is not either
*      I am not a teacher and neither is She
*      I didn’t play Football and She Didn’t Either
*      I didn’t play Football and Neither did She
Objeknya yang juga jugaan biasanya negative
*      I don’t like dogs and I don’t like cats either
*      I don’t like dogs nor do I like cats
*      I don’t like either dogs or cats
*      I like neither dogs nor cats

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