Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


Core sentences --> pembentuk dasar kalimat inti yaitu harus ada  Subjek + Predikat
Predikat di bagi menjadi 2 Yaitu :

1. Active Verb , langsung aja ikutin Gramatical Structure  ( I killed the cat )

2.Non active verb
  1. passive verb ( The cat was killed by me )
  2. noun    ( I was a Student )
  3. adjective   ( I was Clever )
contoh Present Continous
I am teaching english (A.V.)
English is being taught by me (P.V.)
She is being cute (adjective )
He is being a Jerk ! ( Noun )
hehehehe dah segitu aja mau belajar dulu lah bye ^_^

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